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Introducing CHAMPION, the perfect high-yielder cattle feed for dairy owners. CHAMPION is formulated with a special blend of high-quality proteins, minerals, and vitamins. This feed helps cattle produce25 to 30 liters of milk per day, while providing a balanced and nutritious diet that helps keep them healthy and productive. CHAMPION also helps increase the fat content in milk, improving its quality and value. With CHAMPION, you can expect consistent and maximum milk yield from your cattle, all season long.

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  1. CHAMPION feed provides essential vitamins and minerals needed for cattle to efficiently produce 25 to 30 liters of milk per day.
  2. CHAMPION feed is specially formulated to provide the optimal nutrition for high-producing dairy cows, helping them to maintain their health and vitality.
  3. CHAMPION feed is composed of high-quality ingredients, free from any harmful chemicals or preservatives, which ensure that the cows are receiving the best possible nourishment.
  4. By providing the right balance of nutrients, CHAMPION feed helps to reduce the risk of health problems or disease in dairy cows.
  5. CHAMPION feed is designed to help the cows reach their maximum productive potential, providing the necessary energy and protein to maximize milk production.
  6. CHAMPION feed is cost-effective, helping to reduce the cost of production while still providing the cows with the nutrition they need.
  7. CHAMPION feed is easy to use and store, allowing for quick and easy access when needed.
  8. CHAMPION feed helps to protect the environment by reducing the amount of waste produced by cattle.

Optimum Milk Production


Feeding Instructions for Champion Feed for Cattle Producing 25 to 30 Milk per Day:

  1. Ensure the feed is spread evenly throughout the day, with no more than 10% of the total feed intake occurring in any one feeding.
  2. Increase feed consumption gradually over the first two weeks of feeding.
  3. Provide plenty of clean, fresh water at all times.
  4. Monitor the animals’ health and adjust feeding rates as needed.
  5. Provide a salt block and mineral block in the feeding area.
  6. Provide access to pasture, hay, or green feed in addition to the Champion feed.
  7. Supplement with high-energy feeds such as corn and soybean meal if necessary.
  8. Ensure feed is stored properly and kept dry.
  9. Monitor feed intake and adjust as necessary to ensure each animal produces 25 to 30 liters of milk per day.

Management Tips for Milking cattle:


  1. Provide High Quality Feed: Feeding high quality feed is essential for high yielder cattle. Choose feed that is rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Feeds should be balanced and contain the right amount of energy to meet the needs of the cattle.
  2. Provide Adequate Space: High yielder cattle need adequate space to move around and graze. Provide enough space for the cattle to roam freely and graze on grass.
  3. Monitor Health: Monitor the health of your cattle regularly. Regularly check for signs of disease or illness and take appropriate action.
  4. Vaccinate Regularly: Vaccinate your cattle regularly to help prevent disease and illness.
  5. Practice Good Hygiene: Practice good hygiene when handling your cattle. This includes washing your hands before and after handling, and cleaning and disinfecting any equipment used for handling.
  6. Monitor Reproductive Health: Monitor the reproductive health of your cattle. This includes checking for signs of heat, pregnancy, and calving.
  7. Provide Proper Nutrition: Provide proper nutrition to your cattle. This includes providing a balanced diet and supplementing with minerals and vitamins as needed.
  8. Provide Adequate Exercise: Exercise is important for high yielder cattle. Allow your cattle to roam and graze freely to help keep them healthy and active.
  9. Monitor Weight and Body Condition: Monitor the weight and body condition of your cattle regularly. This will help you to identify any potential health issues and address them quickly.
  10. Monitor Environmental Conditions: Monitor environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air quality. Make sure your cattle are not exposed to extreme temperatures or poor air quality.




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