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Close Up Care

Introducing CIGMA CLOSE UP CARE feed for transit period before calving! This feed is specifically formulated to help balance the DCAD levels of dairy cows right before calving. It is specifically designed to provide all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary to keep the cow in optimal condition, while also providing the right balance of DCAD to ensure a healthy calving. With this feed, you can be sure that your cows will enjoy a smooth transition period and a healthy calving. It is easy to feed and can be incorporated into your regular feeding routine. CIGMA CLOSE UP CARE feed is the perfect choice for dairy farmers looking for a balanced DCAD feed before calving

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  1. CIGMA CLOSE UP CARE feed helps to reduce the risk of negative DCAD balance before calving, by providing an optimal balance of energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins.
  2. This feed helps to improve the health of the cow before calving, by providing essential nutrients that are not available in the cow’s diet during the transition period.
  3. It helps to maintain the optimal energy balance to help the cow cope with the physical stress of calving.
  4. The feed helps to reduce the risk of metabolic disorders such as milk fever, ketosis, and retained placenta.
  5. It provides essential minerals and vitamins that are essential for proper growth, development, and health of the calf.
  6. The feed helps to reduce the risk of calf diseases and promote a healthier calf.
  7. The feed helps to promote healthy rumen function and digestion, which is important for ensuring a healthy transition to milk production after calving.
  8. The feed helps to reduce the risk of milk fever and ketosis in the cow, which can have serious health consequences for the cow and calf.

Diet and Management Tips for the Transition Period

  • Provide a Close-up care diet that is high in energy and protein to support the cow during the transition period.
  • Ensure that the diet is balanced and that the cow is receiving enough minerals, vitamins and amino acids.
  • Offer free-choice minerals and salt to ensure that the cow is meeting her mineral requirements.
  • Feed hay at least once a day to help maintain body condition and prevent over-eating of grain.
  • Feed a high-quality source of protein such as alfalfa hay or haylage.
  • Feed small amounts of grain throughout the day to help prevent over-eating.
  • Offer feedstuffs that are easy to digest such as rolled grains and steam-flaked grains.
  • Avoid feeding too much grain, as this can lead to health problems such as acidosis.
  • Monitor the cow’s body condition score to ensure that she is not losing too much weight in the weeks before calving.
  • Offer plenty of clean water to ensure that the cow is hydrated and to help prevent dehydration during calving.
  • Provide a high-quality, highly digestible forage for transition cows such as alfalfa, clover, or grass hay.
  • Increase the protein content of the ration, as well as the energy density.
  • Add an energy source such as corn, oats, or barley to the ration.
  •  Include a high-quality mineral supplement that provides adequate levels of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium as well as other trace minerals.
  • Provide an adequate level of vitamin A and E to ensure proper immune system functioning.
  • Monitor feed intake closely and adjust rations accordingly to meet the cow’s needs.
  • Provide access to clean, fresh water at all times.
  • Monitor body condition and adjust the ration if necessary to help the cows maintain an ideal body condition score.
  • Provide an environment with ample space, fresh air, and comfortable temperatures.


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