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Introducing PRIDE feed for high yielder cattle, a revolutionary new feed designed to maximize milk yield in dairy cows. This revolutionary feed has been specially formulated to provide the necessary nutrients for maximum milk production, up to 35 liters of milk per cow per day. PRIDE feed contains high levels of protein, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals to support strong bones and healthy reproductive organs, and is enriched with vitamins and other essential nutrients to ensure maximum milk production.

Additionally, PRIDE feed is designed to be easily digestible and palatable, ensuring your cows are well-fed and content. With PRIDE feed, you can rest assured that your cows are getting the nutrition they need to produce the highest yield of milk possible.

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  1. Pride Feed for high yielder cattle is specifically formulated to provide essential energy and proteins to help maximize milk production.
  2. It is enriched with essential minerals and vitamins to ensure optimal health and well-being of cattle.
  3. The feed contains a balanced combination of essential fatty acids to help maintain high milk production up to 35 liters.
  4. The high-quality ingredients used in the formulation of this feed help to promote strong muscle development and healthy bones in cattle.
  5. The feed also helps to reduce stress levels in cattle, thereby increasing their overall productivity.
  6. The feed is fortified with beneficial probiotics which helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, resulting in increased milk production.
  7. Pride Feed for high yielder cattle is an economical and efficient way to help maximize milk production.

Feeding Instructions:

  1. Provide PRIDE feed to high-yielding cattle at a rate of 3 kg of feed per 500 kg of body weight.
  2. Feed the PRIDE feed to cattle in two meals, one in the morning and one in the evening.
  3. Make sure to provide clean, fresh water at all times.
  4. For every 1 kg of milk produced, provide an additional .4 kg of PRIDE feed.
  5. Gradually increase the amount of PRIDE feed given to the cattle over time as they become accustomed to the feed.
  6. Monitor the cattle’s body condition, health, and milk production to ensure that they are receiving the correct amount of feed.
  7. For cattle producing more than 35 liters of milk, adjust the feeding rate accordingly.
    8. Provide Green Fodder: Green fodder should be provided at a rate of 3-4% of the body weight of the cattle. It should consist of a mix of grasses, legumes and other fodder crops like berseem, oat grass and maize fodder.
  8. Dry Fodder: Dry fodder should be provided at a rate of 2-3% of the body weight of the cattle. It should consist of a mix of hay, straw, cottonseed husk, etc.
  9. Silage: Silage should be provided at a rate of 1-2% of the body weight of the cattle. The silage should be made from a mix of legumes, grasses, and other fodder crops. It should be made fresh and used within 8-10 days.
  10. Apart from feeds, mineral and vitamin supplements should also be provided to ensure adequate nutrition. Also, the cattle should have access to fresh, clean water throughout the day.

Management Tips for Early Stages

  • Provide a balanced ration. Feeding high yielding dairy cattle must be done with a balanced ration that meets the nutrient requirements of the animals. This should include the proper amounts of forage, grains, minerals, vitamins, and proteins.
  • Maintain proper body condition. In order to maximize milk production, high yielding dairy cattle must be in proper body condition. This means that the animals must not be too thin or too fat. Monitor the body condition of cows regularly and adjust feed accordingly.
  • Include energy sources. High yielding dairy cattle need energy to produce milk. Include energy sources such as grains and fats in their diet to meet their needs.
  • Monitor feed intake. Monitor the feed intake of cows in order to ensure that they are getting enough nutrients to meet their needs.
  • Provide adequate water. Dairy cattle must have access to clean, fresh water at all times. Make sure that the water is available in sufficient quantities to meet their needs.
  • Provide access to minerals and vitamins. Dairy cows need minerals and vitamins to maintain their health and support milk production. Include minerals and vitamins in their diet to meet their needs.
  • Practice good hygiene. Good hygiene practices are essential for maintaining the health of high yielding dairy cattle. Make sure that the cows’ living environment is clean and free from pathogens.
  • Monitor health. Monitor the health of dairy cows regularly to ensure that they are in good health and producing enough milk.


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